25+ years of raising goats! From Angora, Boer, Pygmy, and Dairy! Dairy goats became our focus after starting the first Grade A Raw Milk dairy in Idaho in 2010. We currently raise 4 of the standard dairy breeds - Alpine, Guernsey, Nubian, Toggenburg - all registered with ADGA or BGS (Guernseys). Breeding for sound, show quality stock with correct breed characteristics, and long, level lactations having good components. Polled genetics can also be found in several of the breeds. Not on DHI at this time but barn records track each doe’s average daily milk production, and does have been entered in the One Day Milk Test at our State Fair to earn *M awards. 

The herd is clean for all diseases with individuals periodically tested for CAE/CL/Johnes/ TB/Brucellosis. Kids are raised on a strict disease prevention program - away from the main herd and fed only pasteurized milk/replacer - to ensure healthy replacements. The herd is raised as natural as possible. We feed farm grown or local sourced non-GMO alfalfa and grass hay, minimal grain which is mixed right on the farm using only non-GMO ingredients, and our own custom mineral/vitamin mix for optimal health. Few vaccinations are given - antibiotics are rarely needed.

Thank you for your interest in our dairy goats! Feel free to contact us anytime with any questions or to pre-order kids, purchase stock, or about our breeding services! 
Breeding for Quality!

Show Wins

Union County Fair - 2 rings

2x GCH/BUB Sr - TS Pennilyn
2x RCH Sr - TS Peoria

Syringa Boise Show - 4 rings

2x GCH Sr - TS Sonoma (CH pending)
GCH Sr - TS Genet
GCH/BUB Sr - TS Genova
RCH/BUB Sr - TS Genova
RCH Sr - TS Sonoma
RCH/BUB Sr - TS GoldWish
BUB - TS Beth

Union County Fair - 2 rings

2x GCH Sr - TS Coralee 1*M 
GCH Sr - TS Sonoma
RCH Sr - TS Dazzle
RCH Sr - TS Genet

Syringa Boise Show - 2 rings

2x RCH Sr - TS Persephone
2x RCH Sr - TS Pennilyn

Western Idaho State Fair

GCH Jr - Treasured Florence
RCH Jr - Treasured HiddenGold
GCH/BUB Sr - Treasured Gemma
RCH Sr - Treasured Dazzle
High Point Milker - Treasured Dazzle
High Point Butterfat - Treasured Dazzle
Premier Breeder
Premier Exhibitor
GCH/BOB Sr - TS Coralee 1*M
High Point Milker - TS Coralee 1*M 23.9
High Butterfat - TS Coralee 1*M 
Milk Star Winner - TS Cassidee 1*M 20.9
Milk Star Winner - TS Casiana 1*M 20.2
Milk Star Winner - TS Persephone 1*M 18.6
Milk Star Winner - TS Saturn 1*M 18.2
RCH Sr - TS Marvel 1*M 
High Point Milker - TS Marvel 1*M 22.7
High Point Milker - TS Toot Sweets 15.7
High Point Butterfat - TS Toot Sweets 
High Point Milker - TS Pennilyn 16.1

Syringa Boise Show - 2 rings

2x GCH/BU Sr - Goshenfarm Herimone
2x RCH Sr - Anin's Solara

Western Idaho State Fair

GCH Jr - Treasured Jaide
RCH Jr - Treasured Jassy
GCH/BU Sr - Goshenfarm Hermione
RCH Sr - Treasured Elegance 
High Point Milker - Treasured Elegance
High Butterfat - Treasured PotO'Gold
Premier Breeder
Premier Exhibitor
GCH Jr - TS Cello
GCH/BOB/BU Sr - TS Roxanne 1*M
RCH Sr - TS Contessa
High Point Milker - TS Rosalie (FF!) 
High Butterfat - TS Coralee
Premier Breeder
Premier Exhibitor
GCH/BOB/BU - TS Whisper 
RCH - TS Vision
Premier Breeder
RCH Jr - TS Perenna
GCH/BOB/BU - TS Pennilyn

Western Idaho Fair Premier Breeder
Western Idaho Fair Premier Exhibitor

Union County Fair - 2 rings

GCH Jr Alpine/BIS - TS Persephone
GCH Jr Alpine - TS Kluane
RCH Jr Alpine - TS Rogina
GCH Jr LaMancha - TS Willamena
RCH Jr LaMancha - TS Mairi
RCH Sr LaMancha - TS Mary Lou

Syringa Boise Show - 2 rings

GCH Jr Alpine - TS Prissy
RCH Jr Alpine - TS Persephone
RCH Jr Saanen - TS Tradition
RCH Sr Grade - TS Penelope

Western Idaho State Fair

GCH Jr - Treasured Agatha
GCH/BU Sr - Goshenfarm Hermione
RCH Sr - Treasured Gemma
High Butterfat - Treasured Dazzle
Premier Breeder
Premier Exhibitor
GCH/BOB/BU Sr - TS Roxanne 1*M
High Point Milker - TS Roxanne 1*M
Milk Star Winner - TS Roxanne 1*M
Premier Breeder
Premier Exhibitor
High Point Milker - TS Honey 
High Point Milker - TS Vinette
RCH Jr - TS Tatanka
RCH Jr - TS Pennilyn
RCH Sr - TS Penelope 1*M
Milk Star Winner - TS Penelope 1*M
Milk Star Winner - TS Tzeitel 1*M

Western Idaho Fair Premier Breeder
Western Idaho Fair Premier Exhibitor

Union County Fair - 2 rings

GCH Jr Alpine/BIS - TS Coralee
GCH/RCH Jr LaMancha - TS Lou Ann
GCH Jr LaMancha - TS Marlisa
GCH Jr Saanen - TS Haruka
GCH Jr Toggenburg - TS Sand Dollar
RCH Jr Toggenburg - TS Pennilyn

Western Idaho State Fair

GCH Jr - TS Yukon Belle
GCH/BOB/BUB Sr - TS Contessa
RCH Sr - TS Saturn
High Point Milker - TS Panama 1*M
Premier Breeder
Premier Exhibitor
RCH Sr - TS Bluebird
High Point Milker - TS Julianna 1*M
Milk Star Winner - TS Julianna 1*M
GCH Jr - TS Yenta
High Point Milker - TS Little Penny 1*M
Milk Star Winner - TS Little Penny 1*M
High Point Milker - TS Leyla 1*M
Milk Star Winner - TS Leyla 1*M
Milk Star Winner - TS Chava 1*M
Milk Star Winner - TS Pemberley 1*M

Western Idaho Fair Premier Breeder
Western Idaho Fair Premier Exhibitor

Western Idaho State Fair

RCH Jr - TS Roxanne
Milk Star Winner - TS Panama 1*M 
Milk Star Winner - TS Tabitha 1*M
Premier Breeder
Premier Exhibitor
High Point Milker - TS Victory
GCH Jr - TS Tavita
High Point Milker - TS Tatiana 1*M
Milk Star Winner - TS Tatiana 1*M
Milk Star Winner - TS Raspberry 1*M
Premier Breeder
Premier Exhibitor

Western Idaho Fair Premier Breeder
Western Idaho Fair Premier Exhibitor

Western Idaho State Fair

RCH Jr - TS Roxanne
Premier Breeder
Premier Exhibitor
RCH Jr - TS Wonella
RCH Sr - TS Marietta
GCH Jr - TS Lavinia
RCH Jr - TS Tarianne
GCH Jr - TS Silver Dollar
RCH Jr - TS Delilah
RCH Sr - Jireh's Priceless Pearl
GCH Jr - TS Penelope

Best Jr Doe of Show - TS Penelope
Western Idaho Fair Premier Breeder
Western Idaho Fair Premier Exhibitor

Western Idaho State Fair

High Point Milker - Firebird Spring Breeze
GCH/BOB/BU - Jireh's Precious
Premier Breeder
Premier Exhibitor

Western Idaho State Fair

RCH Jr - TS Consuelo
RCH Sr - Ober-D' Rainbow T&T Voila
RCH Sr - Jireh's Precious
Premier Exhibitor

Western Idaho State Fair

GCH/BUB Sr - Jireh's Precious
High Point Milker - Jireh's Sweet Plum 1*M
Milk Star Winner - Jireh's Sweet Plum 1*M
Milk Star Winner - Jireh's Sweet Pear 1*M
Premier Breeder
Premier Exhibitor
High Point Milking Doe of Show

Western Idaho State Fair

GCH Jr - TS Cattleya
RCH Jr - TS Nigella
GCH/BUB Sr - Ober-D'Rainbow Voila

​                                                      Last updated 3/07/25

  PayPal link for kid reservations, goat payments, etc.
  Accepted as family/friends only

Introducing the Dairy Goat Herd
Individual animals in the herd can be viewed at https://www.openherd.com/farms/8374
Current breeding animals are listed under Breeding Stock
Adult goats for sale are often posted 
on our Facebook page or on OpenHerd; doelings and bucklings still available from the current kidding 
season are marked in the breeding list.   

Prices start at:
$35 for newborn pet boys
$50 for disbudded pet boys
$100 newborn large pack prospects
$100 for non-papered bucklings
$300 for registered bucklings
$300 for registered doelings
$400 for milking yearlings
$500 for mature proven does

Priced according to breeding and age. 
We sale few kids after weaning. 

Note: we are in the process of dual registering our Guernsey herd with both BGS and ADGA

For Sale!
Breeding and reservation list for upcoming kids, buck stud service, semen sales...

Swind Plymouth 
Purebred Golden Guernsey buck
About the Guernsey Dairy Goat
Swind Plymouth was purchased in 2008, as the foundation buck for the Guernsey goats in our herd. Loved his sweet gentle nature and the quality of offspring he produced. Plymouth passed away at 12 1/2 years of age. His paternal brother, Moe, joined the herd in 2014 and is putting the same superior stock on the ground. 

We have found the Guernsey breed to very gentle, easy going animals. Their milk is rich and creamy with moderate production. Guernseys also do well on pasture with less grain needed to maintain their weight and milk yields.
The Guernsey dairy goat was developed using genetics from the rare Golden Guernsey Goats, an official dairy breed registered with the British Goat Society. 

Guernseys are medium in size. The ears are erect and often set slightly lower than Swiss breeds. The hair may be long or short and should be shades of gold, ranging from very pale flaxen cream to deep russet or bronze.
Sale Terms
All goats are sold as is. All sales are final. We do our very best to disclose the complete history on each animal and any/all known health conditions or defects.  

Any testing (kids must be at least 4 months of age for an accurate CAE test) may be requested by the purchaser, with all costs paid by the purchaser (except for CAE testing on adult goats if a recent test has not been done within 6 months), before the animal leaves our farm. 

Deposits placed on animals to hold are non-refundable except in the case where the animal should die while still in our care (board fees may still apply). Any emergency vet care to be paid by purchaser/owner of animal. Board fees often apply with holding. Pick up date must be stated and animal picked up by said date, unless extension is agreed upon by both parties, or sale will be canceled and all moneys lost. 

​Kids that develop genetic defects (such as hermaphrodite) will be replaced (kid of same value) when we have another available (original kid must be under 2 years of age). A written statement from the buyer and a licensed vet stating findings is required, and registration papers must be returned. 

Kids, and occasionally older goats, are often sold with registration applications only. All registration and transfer of ownership costs are the responsibility of the purchaser. Guernseys registered with the British Goat Society will be registered upon sale by the seller and registration fees paid by seller. 

All transportation fees, including health certificates where needed/requested, are the responsibility of purchaser. Kids may be ground shipped, see below for details/costs.

We can accept cash, checks, money orders, or PayPal (as family/friends only) as payment for goats. Cash or immediate PayPal deposits only accepted at pick up. All goats must be paid in full before leaving the farm. Payments may be made but board fees will apply.
Shipping Goat Kids
We have worked with several ground transporters and can provide a list of names to contact if needed. We no longer airship goats. 

Approx. costs (prices subject to change);

Health Cert. - $82

Health Tests - $55+ (if State requires)

840-ID Microchips - $10
(reader can be purchased from Microchip ID Systems)

Board fee - $1/day to raise to shipping

Travel expenses if we have to meet transporter - $0.40/mile
(we may also be able to transport kids within 6 hours of the farm)

Please note once we have checked the kid(s) in for their transport we can 
not be responsible for their well being or safe arrival. 

Tips for the less stress possible on the kid: Be sure to pick up kids immediately at arrival. Have a warm bottle prepared to offer and take straight home and settle into their new pen with a buddy of their same size if possible (with following farm protocol for new purchases). Watch for any sign of sickness and treat immediately. 
Goat Semen 
Pick up at the farm. Shipper must be provided to ship. Many of the bucks have been used and produced quality kids. Bucks/straws with known lower motility is noted. 
Click on pictures to enlarge. 

Pack Goats
Large framed Alpines, Guernseys, LaManchas, and Toggenburgs can be found in our herd. Pack goat prospects are offered from our best kids based on size and structure at birth, and parents size and temperament. We have also raised up a few of the kids to train and enjoy ourselves, but lack of space for adult wethers with horns prevent us being able to keep to adults. Started yearlings are offered as we have available. 
Alpine kids raised and sold in 2023
Guernseys raised and sold in 2024